Service page: addresses, contacts, advice centres

Finding a suitable job, obtaining a visa or a residence permit, having qualifications, training and professional experience recognised – and, finally, finding a suitable apartment in the new environment. We support and accompany you with the ‘Brandenburg Way’ from the idea of working in Brandenburg to a permanent job. On this page, you will find many useful addresses and links as well as the right contacts to support you in all phases of labour migration.

Visas, immigration, residence and information

The following links will help you to find more detailed information. This will give you a more comprehensive idea of your options for working as a carer in Brandenburg. The German government's make-it-in-Germany website, which is available in many languages, is highly recommended.


>  quick-check:




>  Central Aliens Authority of the State of Brandenburg

Service centre for skilled labour immigration

There are service centres in Brandenburg that provide personal support for almost all processes relating to the immigration of skilled workers. You can contact them by e-mail or telephone (please note the time difference). German or English language skills are required for telephone communication. The team at the service centres acts as a guide and provides support in many steps.

There are two teams: IQ sub-project ‘Servicestelle Fachkräfteeinwanderung NordWest’ and IQ sub-project ‘Servicestelle Fachkräfteeinwanderung SüdOst’. If you already have the prospect of a job or are in contact with an employer, please contact the team responsible for the respective region.

Contact IQ Service Centre for Skilled Immigration NorthWest

Location Eberswalde: IHK-Projektgesellschaft mbH Ostbrandenburg, Heegermühler Str. 64, 16225 Eberswalde 

Ulrike Volkmann

Ulrike Volkmann

Project management

+49 160 698 1711

Melanie Grabner

Melanie Grabner


+49 170 5491 803

Natalya Gorodetskaya

Natalya Gorodetskaya


+49 151 2569 138 8

Contact IQ Service Centre for Skilled Immigration South-East

Location Frankfurt (Oder): IHK-Projektgesellschaft mbH Ostbrandenburg, Puschkinstraße 12b, 15236 Frankfurt (Oder)
Location Finsterwalde: IHK-Projektgesellschaft mbH Ostbrandenburg, An der Schraube 26, 03238 Finsterwalde

Sandy Morgen

Sandy Morgen

Team management

+49 170 7645 766

Angela Hesse-Krüger

Angela Hesse-Krüger

Team management

+49 170 7649 003

Katharina Kuczmanska

Katharina Kuczmanska


+49 171 8169666

Anastasija Au

Anastasija Au


+49 151 5990 1547