Brandenburg as employer

Brandenburg as employer

Flexible, family-friendly and secure jobs in the state of Brandenburg ...

Assistance and jobs for people from Ukraine

Assistance and jobs for people from Ukraine

Information and offers from the Brandenburg state government and independent initiatives.

Excellent opportunities for skilled workers in healthcare

Excellent opportunities for skilled workers in healthcare

Brandenburg offers excellent career opportunities in almost all healthcare occupations.

Selected companies

Jobs according to sectors

Here you will find offers from selected companies in the state of Brandenburg sorted by sector.

As part of the regional innovation strategy of the state of Brandenburg, important economic sectors were formed into industry clusters (associations of companies and institutions in important growth fields). The companies in the clusters are characterised by dense value chains and technology transfer in a diverse science and research landscape. For skilled workers, this means a strong development environment in an innovative development region.

Fit for the future

Innovative Brandenburg

Photo: vanitjan/envato

The major transformation topics in Brandenburg are digital transformation, sustainable production, energy transition, modern mobility and digital health. To promote the implementation of new and forward-looking ideas and solutions, the state of Brandenburg supports science and business through targeted innovation management in the cooperation and implementation of transformation processes.

Come to Brandenburg

Your place to live and work

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Campaign Videos

Brandenburg – it can be so easy

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Brandenburg has many faces

With the European metropolis at its heart, people here enjoy the advantages that a cosmopolitan city has to offer. What’s more, the most beautiful, largely untouched rivers, lakes and vast forests are all within close distance. There are many possibilities for people who want to spend their leisure time close to nature, be it horse riding or water sports, cycling, hiking or simply finding inspiration from rural culture.

e.g. horse riding: across endless forests and meadows

The State has an active cultural scene and a wide range of local sport offers.

e.g. festivals: feel the magic at the Inselleuchten light festival in Marienwerder 

There’s so much to discover