Service and contact for skilled immigration

The staff at the IQ Service Centre for Skilled Immigration and the International Talent Service of the Skilled Workers' Portal are your first points of contact if you are interested in employing a foreign nurse. These offices provide advice with a regional focus and support you throughout the process, from the initial information to the integration of your new employee.

International Talent Desk of the Brandenburg Economic Development Corporation (WFBB)

The International Talent Desk of the WFBB advises companies on the possibilities of filling vacancies with international nursing staff from third countries. The Talent Service team will support you from the development of the idea to the operational and social integration of the new employees.

Sally Enzmann-Burow

Sally Enzmann-Burow

Specialists + Qualification

+49 331 70 44 57-26

Anne Lüdemann

Anne Lüdemann

Specialists + Qualification

+49 331 70 44 57-28

Pervin Sucuoglu

Pervin Sucuoglu

Social innovation & integration

+49 331 70 44 57-2925

IQ Service Centre Skilled Immigration Northwest

Location Eberswalde: IHK-Projektgesellschaft mbH Ostbrandenburg, Heegermühler Str. 64, 16225 Eberswalde.
For the rural districts: Prignitz, Ostprignitz-Ruppin, Havelland, Oberhavel, Uckermark, Barnim.

>  Webseite IQ-Netzwerk:

Ulrike Volkmann

Ulrike Volkmann


+49 160 698 1711

Melanie Grabner

Melanie Grabner


+49 170 5491 803

Natalya Gorodetskaya

Natalya Gorodetskaya


+49 151 2569 138 8

IQ ServicestelleFachkräfteeinwanderung SüdOst

Standort Frankfurt (Oder): IHK-Projektgesellschaft mbH Ostbrandenburg, Puschkinstraße 12b, 15236 Frankfurt (Oder).
Standort Finsterwalde: IHK-Projektgesellschaft mbH Ostbrandenburg, An der Schraube 26, 03238 Finsterwalde 

Für die Landkreise: Brandenburg a.d. Havel, Potsdam, Potsdam-Mittelmark, Teltow-Fläming, Elbe-Elster, Dahme-Spreewald, Oberspreewald-Lausitz, Cottbus, Spree-Neiße 

>  Webseite IQ-Netzwerk:

Sandy Morgen

Sandy Morgen

Project management

+49 170 7645 766

Angela Hesse-Krüger

Angela Hesse-Krüger

Project management

+49 170 7649 003

Katharina Kuczmanska

Katharina Kuczmanska


+49 171 8169666

Anastasija Au

Anastasija Au


+49 151 5990 1547

Sandy Morgen

Sandy Morgen


+49 170 7645 766

Katharina Kuczmanska

Katharina Kuczmanska


+49 171 8169666

Anastasija Au

Anastasija Au


+49 151 5990 1547

bea-Brandenburg support agency

Consultancy for companies in the state of Brandenburg that train, qualify and employ people with experience of fleeing or migrating, or are planning to do so.

>  Betriebliche Begleitagentur bea-Brandenburg:

Federal Employment Agency

Advice on foreign workers and skilled labour from abroad. The Federal Employment Agency and its international partners support your company in the search for and employment of foreign workers.

>  Bundesagentur für Arbeit, Pflegekräfte aus dem Ausland: ...